
ESG in the legal industry is not a new concept. Over the past year alone, ESG litigation has increased over 500%. It is expected that ESG related litigation will only increase as time progresses. ESG data analytics and compliance software can help lessen the risks and advance an organization in its proactive capabilities.


Analysis has shown that corporations that adequately regulate their environmental and social impact and have more solid governance practices (ESG) are more profitable and valuable in the medium to long term. There are various studies on this matter conducted by academics and financial analysts.


Modern Corporate Strategy:
The Urgency of ESG Reporting + Analytics

Learn the details on why companies should care more about ESG, discover the essential reporting metrics and standards, the industry trends and claims, and more about what can do for you.

ESG is transforming the legal context. Leverage software to achieve more.

ESG Metrics & Legal Industry


Natural Ingredients

Water Intensity & Stress






Employee Diversity, Development, and Well-being

Safety, Labor Rights, & Equity

Supply Chain Distribution & Marketing Management

Pricing Philosophy & Access


Board Structure and Composition

Accounting and Business Ethics

Systemic Risk Management & Leadership

Pay Alignment

Modern Governance & Analytics

In modern day businesses, business leaders increasingly face more scrutiny and pressure combining both profit motive with the need to address ESG related issues. The Hydrus data analytics software provides compliance, analytics, and distribution strategies to help organizations collect, store, and manage ESG issues quickly and effectively. The software can help improve delivery for ESG related advisory practices as well through automation and AI-based early problem detection.

"66% of consumers said they were willing to pay more for sustainable brands, which was up from 55% in 2014 and 50% in 2013" - Nielsen Global Sustainability Report

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