Best Practice Dive In: Data Collection, Validation, and Assurance

The software platform is a comprehensive ESG management tool that can assist companies in streamlining their ESG data validation process and meeting related requirements in an intuitive and efficient way. The platform covers the collection, processing, and reporting of ESG data, while also providing guidance on performing and retaining supporting evidence, establishing a formal and final tie-out procedure, and handling reporting errors and misstatements.

Performing and Retaining Supporting Evidence

Hydrus provides a variety of tools to help companies collect, process, and retain supporting evidence related to their ESG data. For instance, the platform offers automated data collection and processing tools, which allow companies to pull data from various sources and perform analyses using a wide range of data visualization tools. Hydrus also provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface for documenting and storing the evidence related to the ESG data, allowing users to easily search and retrieve data as needed.

Establishing a Formal and Final Tie-out Procedure

Hydrus helps companies establish a formal and final tie-out procedure to ensure that their ESG data is accurate and complete. The platform offers an automated data validation tool that checks the ESG data for accuracy and completeness, as well as an audit trail that documents any changes made to the data. The platform also includes a reporting tool that allows users to generate reports on their ESG data, which can be used to demonstrate compliance with industry regulations and standards.

Handling Reporting Errors and Misstatements

Hydrus provides a streamlined process for handling reporting errors and misstatements. The platform includes an automated error-detection tool that identifies any discrepancies in the ESG data, as well as a notification system that alerts users to the presence of errors or misstatements. Hydrus also offers a user-friendly interface for reviewing and approving the re-issuance of published reports, allowing companies to quickly correct any errors or misstatements and ensure the accuracy and completeness of their ESG data.


In conclusion, the software platform offers a range of intuitive and efficient tools to help companies manage their ESG data validation process and meet related requirements. The platform covers the collection, processing, and reporting of ESG data, while also providing guidance on performing and retaining supporting evidence, establishing a formal and final tie-out procedure, and handling reporting errors and misstatements. With its user-friendly interface and automated tools, Hydrus can help companies improve the accuracy and completeness of their ESG data, while also ensuring compliance with industry regulations and standards.

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